B2B Composable Storefront for Salesforce Powered by Salesforce & Conscia
B2B Composable Storefront for Salesforce
Solution Overview
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Customer Problem
83% of the B2B buyers prefer a digital commerce solution above talking to a sales representative.
86% of the B2B decision-makers prefer using self-service tools than talking to a sales representative.
66% of the B2B buyers expect a similar experience when buying on a B2B site as they would get on a B2C site.
EPAM Solution
EPAM's B2B Composable Storefront for Salesforce is a first-of-its-kind solution that expedites the adoption of composable architecture for business-to-business (B2B) and direct-to-consumer (D2C) companies. It connects Salesforce to B2B Commerce on the Salesforce platform using Conscia, a no-code integration and orchestration tool with out-of-the-box connectors. This allows your composable storefront to link with any headless content management system (CMS).
Our accelerator enables D2C and B2B brands to deliver modern, immersive commerce experiences to customers at scale with greater flexibility, agility and customizability. At the same time, our solution empowers content and merchandise teams by maintaining the storefront without the need for development for each change.
Key Differentiators
World First
EPAM created the world-first composable accelerator for Salesforce B2B Lightning
Conscia’s DX Engine as a backbone
With Conscia’s no-code DX Engine we are able to adapt to customer needs in a fast and flexible way
Enhanced Salesforce’s out of the box functionality
Custom functionality, not available in Salesforce B2B Lightning, like multiple baskets per user and import for baskets
Reduced cost and time to value due to ready-to-go set of features and functions
Extend standard solution with custom features to satisfy B2B customers needs
Configurable storefront with modular capabilities for unique B2B experience
Faster deployment by breaking down business capabilities into manageable pieces
CMS-Agnostic Storefront
Customer can bring its CMS and connect it very easily using Conscia’s DX Engine
Flexible Storefront Experience
Configure storefront with CMS from content, template, feature toggle perspective
- Configurable storefront - devise the page using a headless CMS like Contentstack
- Standard commerce layout – leverage pre-built template with homepage, content pages, PLP, PDP, Cart, Checkout, My Account, Wishlist, etc.
- Enhanced B2B template:
- Guest checkout for D2C
- Option for Mandatory login on some sections
- 2000 products per basket
- Persistent baskets
- Unlimited baskets per user
- Export & Import baskets
- Role-based checkout and Workflow, i.e. an ability for the buyer with restricted permissions to add items into a cart and have the cart validated and checked out by a manager
- Pay on invoice
- Account switching: i.e. ability for a B2B company user with multiple brands to login only once on the storefront and switch between the different brands/accounts
Questions & Answers
What functionality does your accelerator provide which is not available in Salesforce B2B Lightning?
Integration with CMS for maintaining and creating pages through all channels (both B2B, B2C, Mobile, etc)
- Version control on content and pages
- Preview for all channels
- Unlimited number of carts per user
- Role based checkout Import & export of carts in the storefront
- Import & export of carts in the storefront
We do not use Contentstack. Can I also use another CMS?
Yes, you can bring your own CMS concept where we can easily integrate your CMS. Keep in mind that we expect specific functionality to be present in a CMS. When your CMS does not contain this functionality it can be that we have to drop specific features we provide with Contentstack.
Why do I need Conscia’s DX Engine?
Salesforce B2B Lightning is not ready for a headless and composable setup from API point of view. APIs don’t provide all the data and are not performant enough for a headless setup. Conscia’s DX Engine is bridging that gap in a flexible (no-code) way, by building up its own context and cache data. Created data in the storefront is stored first in DX-Engine and after that shared a-synchronously with Salesforce.
Have a question? We are ready to help you.
license type
Integrates with
Conscia DX Engine
Headless CMS'es
Salesforce B2B Lightning
Google Tag Manager
Tech Requirements
- Salesforce B2B Lightning
- Conscia DX Engine
- A headless CMS
- A runtime to run the storefront, like Azure, Google Cloud Platform, Vercel, Netlify, etc.
Updated on May 22, 2024
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