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What is Open-Source Software?

January 30, 2023 | 5 min read

In this article

  • How Did Open-Source Software Start? A Brief History

  • Why Open-Source Initiative (OSI) Was Formed?

  • Open Collaboration and Community-Driven Development as Driving Forces of Open Source

  • Free Software vs Open-Source Software

  • Open-Source Software vs Proprietary Software

  • Main Differences Between Open-Source and Proprietary Software

  • Open-Source Advantages and Disadvantages

  • Examples of Open-Source Software

  • Summing Up - How Does Open-Source Development Model Work?

Open-source software (OSS) is software distributed along with its source code which can be analyzed, modified, and improved by anyone in any way they see fit. Typically, there is a license attached to every open-source software determining the conditions under which the source code can be used. It is developed through open collaboration in the software development community formed around each open-source solution.

What is Open-Source Software?

As opposed to proprietary software, anyone capable of doing so can not only see and study the source code behind the open-source software but also alter or even completely repurpose it and design their own new software based on it. This is how open-source software projects encourage collaboration, transparency, and community development. Some of the most popular examples of open-source software projects and contributors include, but are not limited to WordPress Foundation and Linux Foundation.

What is Source Code?

Source code is the code that makes up a computer program. In the case of open-source software, the source code is made available to the public, allowing users to view, modify, and distribute the software as they see fit.

Open source is growing in popularity and multiple companies decide to use it instead of proprietary software. The latest report on the state of open source in 2022 made in collaboration between OpenLogic by Perforce and the Open Source Initiative (OSI) proves exactly this.

Open-Source Trends

How Did Open-Source Software Start? A Brief History

As proprietary rights in the software market were becoming extremely strong in the 1970s, programmer Richard Stallman kick-started the free software movement in 1983 against the limitations and restrictions imposed by proprietary software. He strongly believed that users should be given access to the source code to be able to understand it, learn about it, improve it, and customize software as per their needs without any impediments.

To support this idea, Stallman created his own license called the GNU Public License and started releasing free code under it. According to this license, any individual who wanted to modify a source code had the obligation to make their revised version freely available to everyone.

In 1999 the term "open-source" software was introduced instead of the "free software" that Stallman used because the latter one was wrongly interpreted as "free of cost". The open-source movement started growing even stronger resulting in the foundation of the Open-Source Initiative.

Why Open-Source Initiative (OSI) Was Formed?

The new approach introduced by Stallman and open-source technologies had to be regulated in a way and that's why Open-Source Initiative was founded. Its aim is to advocate for and protect open-source software and communities.

The OSI is the main hub for open-source software, offering comprehensive rules and guidance on how to use OSS responsibly. Furthermore, it provides code licensing information, along with user support and community collaboration tools intended to help ensure fair usage of all available open-source applications.

Open Collaboration and Community-Driven Development as Driving Forces of Open Source

Collaborative development is a key aspect of open-source projects. Open-source programs are typically developed by a community of volunteers who work together to improve the software. This decentralized production model allows for a wide range of perspectives and expertise to be brought to bear on the development of the software, resulting in a more robust and feature-rich product.

The open-source software development community is made up of individuals and organizations who are passionate about the software and who contribute their time and expertise to its development. This community-driven approach allows for rapid innovation and the evolution of the software.

Free Software vs Open-Source Software

The term "free software" is usually perceived as software that is available to users at no cost, and which gives users the freedom to modify and distribute the software as they see appropriate. Free software is typically associated with open-source software, as the source code of the software is typically made available to users.

It was Richard Stallman who started using the term "free software". However, it is often misunderstood. What it truly implies is that the software can be used freely, but not necessarily obtained or purchased for free. His idea was that "software should be free – as in speech, not beer".

In order to avoid this misinterpretation, new terms were introduced in the meantime so today all of these can be used interchangeably to mean the same thing:

  • open-source software (OSS)

  • free and open-source software (FOSS)

  • free/libre-open source software (FLOSS)

Another important point to highlight - open-source software means that the source code is available free of charge, but not the executable code necessarily. So you can download a source code of the software, but it is not enough for the software to run. It's necessary to set it up and integrate it into the environment, which is often a service charged by the company that owns the software.

Open-Source Software vs Proprietary Software

As opposed to open-source software described above, there is a software type whose source code is not publicly accessible, and only the team and the company who create it can see and modify it. This is called proprietary software or closed-source software. Anyone wishing to use it needs to sign a proprietary license and agree to the terms stated there. Adobe Photoshop and Microsoft Word are typical examples of closed-source software.

According to a recently published Red Hat report on the state of open source, proprietary software is quickly declining. It's stated in the report that last year their respondents indicated that about half (55%) of the software they used was proprietary. This year the number is lower, it’s 42%. They predict that two years from now proprietary software will be down to 32% of their software stacks.

A decline in the use of proprietary software

A decline in the use of proprietary software

Main Differences Between Open-Source and Proprietary Software


Although both open-source and proprietary code is protected by a license, there are some fundamental differences between a proprietary license and an open-source license. While a proprietary license makes users agree that they won't do to the software anything that's not expressly allowed in the license, an open-source license states the terms under which users can change and further use the code.


Although open-source software doesn't necessarily mean free software, as in "free of charge", it is still typically much cheaper than closed-source software. If you have an IT team in your company capable of setting up open-source products you downloaded for free, then in most cases you're good to go. However, if you don't know how to set them up, you'll have to pay the company behind the software to do it for you.

Software Development

Closed-source software is created and modified by one or more teams within commercial companies leaving the proprietary code behind it known only to them and unrevealed to the users. On the other hand, open-source code is created through community-driven development. In this approach, developers are encouraged to look at, analyze, modify, debug and improve the open-source code. The number of people taking part in creating the software is not limited to those working in one organization but is open to anyone capable and willing to share their knowledge.

As a leading digital-transformation company, EPAM offers both open-source programs and commercial software with an EPAM license. You can easily request any of them here on EPAM SolutionsHub and also find out how it works.

Open-Source Advantages and Disadvantages

Open-source software development has been with us for a while now and multiple companies had a chance to experience both the good and bad sides of it and compare it to closed-source software. Let's have a look at some of the most obvious pros and cons of open-source technology.



Open-source software is often highly customizable meaning that it can be modified to fit the specific needs of the user since they have access to the initial code.

1. Stable

As the software code is publicly distributed, users can trust it for their long-term projects - safe in the knowledge that developers cannot simply terminate support or neglect a vital update.

2. Educational

For future and junior developers, open source is an invaluable asset. Programming students can examine the code and learn how to write programs of their own.

Also, it makes it simpler for them to collaborate with others and obtain useful feedback, which can help fine-tune their capabilities. More knowledgeable coders may provide guidance by pinpointing bugs as well as assisting in fixing errors for the benefit of student learning.

3. High-Quality

With numerous people inspecting and contributing to the software, mistakes and missing pieces of code are more likely to be caught and corrected. Developed by a single individual or team of professionals, proprietary software comes with fewer people to review and validate its code. This means that potential oversights may go unnoticed compared to the thoroughness open-source communities would bring.

4. Cost-Effective

As discussed above, open-source doesn't necessarily mean free of charge. But, if you have your own team of IT professionals it's definitely much cheaper to start your project using an already existing code than starting from scratch.

Advantages of open-source software

Advantages of open-source software


1. Support

When working with closed-source software most providers offer dedicated support teams that are there to assist users from start to finish. With open source, you typically won't find a support team to help out with any concerns like you would for closed source. In this case, you may have to seek the services of an expert or consult online forums in order to resolve your problem.

2. Usability

Generally, closed-source software offers a much better user experience because of the lack of friendly user interfaces with open-source solutions. Ultimately, usability depends on the proficiency of each individual user with either type of program. Since people pay for closed-source programs owners tend to prioritize making them as easy and enjoyable to use as possible.

3. Compatibility

When programming proprietary hardware with open-source solutions, it is often necessary to obtain specialized drivers that are usually only accessible from the original manufacturer.

4. Liability

In comparison to proprietary software which is fully managed by the seller, open source rarely offers any warranty coverage, protection for liability, or indemnification against infringement. This means that consumers of OSS are solely responsible for ensuring they adhere to their legal responsibilities.

Examples of Open-Source Software

Open-source technology is accessible from diverse sources on the internet, with many renowned applications permitting users to enhance and modify them. Not all of these alterations created by coders will be available for the public, but utilizing these source codes can present both a valuable learning opportunity and a good starting point for a new project.

Some famous open-source products include the Linux operating system, Apache web server, Firefox browser, Google Android, and VCL Media Player to name some. Let's try and put them in a few categories:

  • Open-source operating systems - a computer operating system whose source code is made available to the public. They are typically developed by an open-source community and are freely available for users to download and use. The most popular open-source operating system examples include FreeBSD and Linux.

  • Open-source applications - computer programs with open-source code to be used and modified outside the open-source community. Examples of open-source applications include the LibreOffice suite, VLC Media Player, and the Mozilla Firefox web browser.

  • Open-source libraries - collections of code that can be used by software developers to build their own software. These libraries are typically made available under open-source licenses, allowing computer programmers to use and modify the code as they see fit.

  • Open-source development tools - solutions that are used to develop software, and which are made available under open-source licenses. These tools can include everything from programming languages and text editors to version control systems and build tools.



Open-source self-healing test automation tool for web


Summing Up - How Does Open-Source Development Model Work?

Open-source projects are very often initiated by individual developers or a small team of programming enthusiasts. They gradually gather other IT professionals around the idea and continue further software development in a collaborative manner. All those who join an open-source project give their contribution through code improvements, detecting security vulnerabilities, bug fixes, adding features, or any other way they see appropriate.

However, this doesn't mean that a code can be changed without any oversight by the project owner. Anyone can contribute to the open-source project but there is a procedure in place how to review and approve suggested changes. GitHub and other code-hosting services where open-source codes exist make it easy to track the suggested changes and keep version control. By offering a streamlined system to monitor who made what contributions and when open source maintainers guarantee that major contributors receive the recognition they deserve.

Open-source software programs can be taken from public repositories and used by developers or companies to start their own projects. In this case, the OSS is accompanied by an open-source license stating the terms and conditions under which the new software can be used and further distributed.

The open-source movement and all the benefits it brought have changed the way software is developed today. However, all the above-mentioned pros and cons should also be considered when deciding whether to opt for closed-source or open-source technology.


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