MIS-Platform Medical Information System CMS
Solution Overview
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Customer Problem
- Lack of interoperability in Electronic Health Record (EHR) systems, hindering the smooth exchange of Health Information (PHI) required for care coordination, administrative reporting, and clinical research.
- A wide variety of clinical applications, each serving a distinct purpose but offering inconsistent user experiences. This lack of standardization, coupled with outdated solutions or reliance on paper-based systems, leads to repetitive tasks, wasted time, and clinician burnout.
- Poor support with long waiting time for introducing required changes into the system to comply with ever-changing regulations and evolving trends/clinical practice.
EPAM Solution
A new cloud-ready solution allows for flexibility and ease of use. It is built on HL7 FHIR data storage and enables different electronic health record (EHR) systems to work together seamlessly. Healthcare practitioners across different hospitals and clinics can easily share information, regardless of location. Due to the low-code approach and plug-and-play delivery, specific adjustments can be made almost on the fly with the immediate introduction of new functionalities into clinical practice to meet the changing requirements of practitioners.
Key Differentiators
High customization capabilities
On the fly customization to practice needs via library of reusable elements and low-code creation of new elements
Modular microservice architecture
High scalability with high integration potential and multitenancy capabilities
Data initially stored in Vendor neutral data storage based on HL7 FHIR recommended by IHE
Securely Shared Data
Access to patient data assuring care coordination
Multi-Channel Connectivity
Facilitation of telehealth, digital scribing, OCR, value-based care
Time-to-business & cost-reduction
Introduction of changes into practice within days/weeks instead of months/years
No vendor lock-in
Possibility to change EHR vendor or connect the data to another system
Device-friendly & Multilanguage
Effective data posting designed for PCs and tablets & any localization
- Builders & assembly tools with Plug and play: Assure on-the-fly creation and rolling out of new features to meet specific needs.
- Comprehensive patient record: 150+ fields to store data about hospitalization history, diagnoses, operations, laboratory tests, physical and instrumental examinations, treatment created and adjusted according to HCPs recommendations within a 2-month period.
- Supportive information storage: MPI, Healthcare Organizations Index, Healthcare Practitioner Index, and Terminology service to run and upload registries/classificators.
- Digital document linking: Text documents, multimedia files i.e. scans of paper docs attached to every section of the system.
- Integrations with services: EPAM DEPS (AI-based OCR service) and EPAM GRAIN (AI-based platform and hardware for remote patient monitoring).
- Standardized interoperable storage of PII from PHI: All data is natively stored in the HL7 FHIR server allowing seamless data exchange, deep analytics, and implementation of AI-based patient-centric services.
- Highly flexible access management: ABAC-based access assures control at the right time and place for all users.
Use Cases
Transplantology/Organ Donor Monitoring System (ODMS)
Problem Statement
- Since potential donors can be located in any healthcare institution across the country collaboration between transplant coordination centers, transplantology centers, and local clinics is crucial for quick, data-driven decisions. Communication and data sharing currently happen through various routes like phone calls, faxes, and messages, and the main information flow is done on paper.
- The process is time-consuming and requires lots of physical effort from all counterparts.
- This results in delays, data loss, and decisions being made under less informed conditions.
Solution Proposed
- Web application developed upon the MIS-Platform accelerator facilitates information sharing among all participants involved in the process of donor monitoring, maintenance, and organ harvesting at a country-wide level.
Achieved Results
- All the relevant information is digital and located in one system, assuring timely and data-driven decision-making.
- Quick, effective, and secure data sharing between all stakeholders located in different healthcare institutions, compliant with regulations.
Questions & Answers
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license type
Integrates with
Google Cloud
Tech Requirements
Client device requirements:
- Chrome 120+
- Firefox 122+
- Windows 10/11
- Android (tablets) 5.x.x
Environment minimum requirements:
- 13 VMs with 2-4 CPUs
- 4096-8192 MB RAM
- 40GB System disk + 50-100GB Data disk
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