FIX Client Simulator Simulator of FIX buy/sell side workflows
FIX Client Simulator
Solution Overview
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Customer Problem
- Simulation of Buy-Side and Sell-Side Workflows
- Creation of Repeatable Test Scenarios
- Manual and Automated Message Generation
- Enhanced Debugging and Troubleshooting
- Training and Education
EPAM Solution
- FCS allows the simulation of multiple FIX-protocol-defined buy-side and sell-side oriented workflows, helping clients to test and validate their trading strategies and systems in a controlled environment without the need for live market access.
- Users can create and run repeatable test scenarios for FIX sessions, enabling thorough and consistent testing procedures that are essential for identifying and fixing issues.
- The FCS provides the ability to enter, generate, and edit raw FIX messages both manually via pre-defined forms and in an automated fashion. This flexibility supports a wide range of testing scenarios, from simple message validation to complex trading strategies.
- The FCS helps identify issues in FIX message formats and workflows, allowing for faster debugging and troubleshooting. This is critical in reducing downtime and improving system reliability.
- For new users or developers unfamiliar with the FIX protocol, the simulator serves as an educational tool, helping them understand how FIX messages are structured and how different scenarios affect message flow.
High quality products
Lower technical risk for support and maintenance
Flexible enrichment
Covers the entire spectrum of FIX protocol versions
Rich desktop UI application
Ability to enter, generate, and edit raw FIX messages via pre-defined forms
Professional Services support
24x7 support provided worldwide
- Create sessions for initiators and acceptors using basic and extended session details (incl. username and password)
- Send and receive messages
- Send message batches
- Load messages from any text file and send them
- Review and modify message details
- Support of all FIX versions: 4.0 – 5.0 SP2 and dialects
- Load custom dictionary
- Validate incoming and outgoing messages
- Send custom Logon message for the session
- Set incoming/outgoing sequence numbers
- Override session Sender and Target CompIDs
- Review session events
- Set interval for messages resending
- Creation and Editing: Introduction of the ability to manually create, edit, record, and run test using OnStart scenarios
- OnMessage Handler: Introduction of a message handler allowing users to define custom responses to incoming messages, enhancing the realism of simulations.
- Ability to automatically generate Order Cancel Request, Order Cancel/Replace Request, and various Execution Report messages, streamlining the simulation of complex trading scenarios
Use Cases
Financial Institution No. 1
Problem Statement:
OMS/EMS functional and stress testing
Solution Proposed:
Achieved results:
Functional testing:
- Initiator/acceptor FIX sessions are configured and established
- FIX messages sent to a session
- Order entry flow simulated using the context menu
Stress testing:
- Ability to send a huge number of messages at a predefined speed;
- Ability to replay real-life logs with the possibility to configure speed and count of testing to change the load
Financial Institution No. 2
Problem Statement:
FIX sessions automated testing
Solution Proposed:
Achieved results:
Developed Test Scenarios functionality which allows to:
- Record test scenarios or create them manually, and manage existing scenarios
Scenarios allow to:
- Automatically create a session for testing
- Validate incoming messages against configured requirements
- Reply to received messages in a predefined way
- See execution results and reasons for tests' failures
Questions & Answers
Do you offer evaluation license for this solution?
Yes, a free 30-day trial version of the software is available on demand.
What licensing models do you offer?
We offer different licensing models, depending on the way you are going to use our products. We can offer you the optimal model and price.
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