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Emissions Digital Platform Corporate carbon footprint management


(16 ratings)
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Emissions Digital Platform

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Solution Overview

EPAM Emissions Digital Platform equips businesses with a user-friendly tool to track and cut their greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), making it easier for companies to manage their environmental impact and combat climate change.

The platform gathers data like electricity, water and heat consumption provided by office or facility managers, as well as from integrated systems that automatically capture data about business trips and other. Based on this data, the platform calculates an organization's carbon emissions and provides in-depth visualizations of the data. This enhanced understanding enables companies to set tangible, realistic goals for emissions reduction and continuously track their progress towards meeting these targets.

It simplifies the process of generating detailed reports on sustainability efforts and progress, thereby allowing transparent communication with stakeholders, regulatory bodies, and the general public.

The platform helps ensure compliance with international standards like the EU's Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TSFD) and others.

Customer Problem

To meet global sustainability standards and combat the escalating climate crisis, large corporations are required to adhere to regulations like the CSRD, TSFD, and others. These regulations mandate comprehensive and accurate reporting of Greenhouse Gas (GHG) emissions. Failure to do this can lead to significant risks for companies, including regulatory fines, reputational damage, and potential loss of investor confidence.

Meeting CO2 reduction requirements is vital not only for regulatory compliance but also for contributing to the global goal of mitigating climate change.

Calculating GHG emissions is time-consuming and manually intensive, often leading to challenges in obtaining precise data in various categories.

EPAM Solution

Digital Emissions Platform automates raw data collection, transformation, standardization and calculation on a company level. It empowers businesses with knowledge about how to establish a clear emissions baseline and set informed GHG reduction targets using real-time data management. It enables visualizing data from different dimensions, getting reports and automated data calculation methods, as well as, corporate asset management.

emisions digital platform
emisions digital platform
emisions digital platform
Emissions Digital Platform
Emissions Digital Platform
emisions digital platform
emisions digital platform
emisions digital platform
Emissions Digital Platform
Emissions Digital Platform



Corporate level dashboard

User can see consolidated data related to emissions at the company level

Ease of use

Effortless data entry & document upload

Time efficiency

Save hours with automated data collection

Reliable data

Seamless integrations ensure accuracy of raw data

Real-time monitoring

User can see real-time data


  • Data Collection: Gathers cross-company data, ensuring efficiency and accuracy with minimal manual input.
  • Data Model Management: Transformation, Standardization, Calculation - Allows efficient process and refines diverse data sets. It encompasses converting data into a unified format, ensuring consistency and accuracy, and supporting complex calculations for advanced data analysis and insights.
  • Dashboard & Analytical Reporting: Provides a real-time, easy-to-use interface for users to view emissions data and track progress towards sustainability goals. Creates visuals and reports for easy analysis, presentations, and compliance purposes.
  • Downloadable Reports: Generates downloadable reports and calculation methodologies based on Greenhouse Gas Protocol (GHG).
  • Targets Management: Enables setting and tracking emission reduction targets, and aligning company goals with measurable outcomes.
  • Reminders for Location Facility Managers: Sends automated reminders to ensure timely data submission.
  • Role & Access Management: Customizes user roles and access, ensuring data security and appropriate information distribution.

Use Cases

Software Engineering

Problem Statement:

The company must be compliant with regulatory requirements, standards, and protocols. Also, it must provide a Greenhouse Gas emissions reduction report. A lot of manual work is required for data collection and calculation from various data sources. There is a lack of a clear understanding of current emissions levels and sources.

Solutions Proposed:

Digital Emissions Platform that automates raw data collection, transformation, standardization and calculation on a company level.

Achieved Results:

The company established a clear emissions baseline and set informed GHG reduction targets. Automated data gathering and calculation methods helped to prepare much more precise reports with the ability to see and visualize real-time data from different dimensions.

Customer Ratings & Reviews


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license type

Integrates with




HashiCorp Vault

MongoDb Atlas




Updated on January 20, 2023

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