Deltix SpreadTrader Ultra-Low latency Spread Trading platform
Deltix SpreadTrader
Solution Overview
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Customer Problem
Lack of customization in hedging rules
No or limited risk system in place
Slow multi-tenant servers
EPAM Solution
The SpreadTrader allows users to customize the details of their trading bots on their very own server. The trader has the ability to build bespoke bots that manage the quoting and hedging phase. Their low latency trading custom-built risk rules can ensure execution risk is limited.
Key Differentiators
Customization of bots
SpreadTrader allows for the design and execution for bespoke bots to ensure the best possible price can be executed
Fast time to market
Simply spin up a cloud server and the software can be installed in two hours
Low hedging latency
The system has been optimized so that the latency is minimal single digit µs
Cross asset trading
As the system is instrument agnostic, one can spread across multiple assets
Custom hedging
System incorporates and customizes any execution algorithm into its hedging leg
WS/REST API connectivity
Design and submit orders for synthetic spreads using API
- Custom Spreads: Enjoy the flexibility of creating cross-exchange spreads with an unlimited number of legs and advanced configuration parameters.
- System Management: Monitor and manage the execution of your orders in real time. Track system metrics in Grafana and Graylog.
- Auto Hedging: Create and execute custom hedging strategies with complex logic. Manage your hedge orders in real time.
- Simulation with Live Data: Simulate with live data and analyze the effectiveness of the strategy.
- Rich Connectivity: Access over 100 trading venues, leverage a collection of market data and trade connectors available out of the box.
- Rapid creation of synthetic spreads: Using our easy-to-follow design, traders can rapidly customize their synthetic spreads to their requirements.
Use Cases
Execute synthetic spread
Problem Statement
Many platforms have vanilla execution and just fire all legs at once.
Solution Proposed
To give the trader the ability to customize how they execute all legs to create the least market impact.
Achieved Results
SpreadTrader allows the user to design custom spreads and then execute this order by allowing them to customize the way they quote and hedge. This allows the user to extract the best price from the market.
Trade routing
Problem Statement
A trader routing orders to a multi-tenant server has one of the greatest impacts on order latency
Solution Proposed
Provide multiple choices to the trader to choose how an order is routed. Either directly to the venue or to leverage our trade connectors to other brokers/ISVs
Achieved Results
We provide the user with a route directly to the venue or to choose another path if they desire it.
Questions & Answers
How many legs can be constructed into a spread?
There is theoretically no limit, but the most a customer has executed was 40.
How can your system be deployed?
Our system can be deployed on your cloud server, or on-prem hardware.
Have a question? We are ready to help you.
license type
Tech Requirements
Windows and Linux, on-prem, and AWS, Azure and GCP are all supported
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