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Employee Engagement Software: How to Pick The Right One For Your Business?

April 22, 2022 | 5 min read

In this article

  • How do you choose the proper employee engagement software for your company?

  • 1. Understand the different software

  • 2. Assess your needs

  • 3. Prepare a checklist

  • 4. Set an appropriate budget

  • 5. Consider all available options

  • 6. Make your pick

  • Conclusion

Employee involvement is essential to a company's success. Employee performance that is enthusiastic and engaged results in a 21 percent improvement in profitability.

It's a difficult effort to implement an employee engagement plan that covers all bases. To get the most out of your team, you'll need the correct tools.

Employee engagement tools can help with this. It aids in employee engagement and development. It contributes to the development of a positive and inclusive workplace culture.

Furthermore, it can be a huge help in terms of increasing workplace productivity. But which software is ideal for your requirements? Let's have a look.

How do you choose the proper employee engagement software for your company?

Employee engagement software consists of tools and programs that assist your employees in meaningful engagement with their firm. They employ technology to supplement the growth of the entire workforce.

They keep track of and measure employee performance in order to spot problems and fix them. Every organization, whether it's just getting started or well-established, can benefit from the adoption of such software.

Different types of software focus on various areas of employee engagement. The key is to figure out what you really need and go for it. We've put together a simple guide to assist you in selecting the best employee engagement software for your specific business needs.

1. Understand the different software

Many consumers mistakenly believe that simply purchasing software will cure all of their issues. That isn't correct. As previously said, different tools can be used to drive employee engagement in various ways. You must choose the ones that are best suited to your cause.

This is why learning about different types of software and how they help with employee engagement should be the first step in selecting one. To make your ultimate decision, compare them to your own needs.

While there is a wide range of software that provides a variety of services, employee engagement software can be divided into four categories: recognition, perks and benefits, health and wellness, and engagement surveys.

Let's take a quick look at each of them:

a) Employee acknowledgement

Some of the most common types of employee engagement tools are employee recognition software. They operate on the premise that valued employees would go above and beyond what is expected of them. As a result, the overall performance of the company improves.

These programs give you the tools you need to foster healthy competition among your employees. They contain features like awarding efficient work, employee votes, and milestone celebrations.

They can also assist you in establishing criteria for identifying exceptional work. You may establish rewards and criteria based on the size and needs of your firm, and the technology will take over from there. This aids in the creation of a competitive workplace.

b) Benefits and perks

These kinds of capabilities in software are quite appealing. They provide real benefits that can be seen and demonstrated to others. As a result, you'll be able to cut turnover and recruit top people. The program may provide advantages that are often adaptable.

This essentially means that the employee would be able to select the types of benefits they desire. This is significant because everyone differs from one another. What thrills and motivates one person may not be the same as what excites and motivates another.

Putting all incentives in one category detracts from the aim of providing benefits. One employee may desire a paid vacation, while another may desire savings on daily necessities. Allowing people to make their own decisions helps your cause.

c) Health and wellness

Unfortunately, employee health is still an under-appreciated topic in the workplace. Employee engagement software, on the other hand, is assisting in the promotion of employee self-care. They're custom-made to meet the specific needs of your team.

These services have been fine-tuned to work with a variety of configurations, including in-office and remote environments. Employees can relieve stress and focus better on their tasks by using guided meditations, yoga sessions, and workout DVDs.

These types of services have a direct impact on your team's confidence and morale, since they know you actually care about their well-being. They would seek to improve their performance while also taking care of themselves.

d) Engagement surveys

Employee engagement surveys are also important since they assess how satisfied employees are with their jobs and the corporate culture. They serve two purposes at the same time. First and foremost, they assist you in directly engaging your workforce.

Second, they provide a forum for employees to express their views and assist you in improving employee management. If you want to improve your performance, you need to review your efforts, and tools like this can assist you to achieve so.

To offer your staff a voice, you can use organizational surveys, suggestion boxes, direct contact with HR, and other options. You can actively solicit their participation in such surveys to assist you in your efforts to assist them.

2. Assess your needs

Now that you know what solutions are available on the market, it's time to examine your own company's requirements. This is significant because you cannot simply go out and purchase software for your company.

Given the range of software available, you'll need to pick one that addresses your company's most pressing issue. For example, you may want to focus on perks and benefits, but if your staff have confidence difficulties, a wellness-focused program might be the best option.

Discuss the diverse demands of your employees with your top management. Put them in order of importance. This will give you a better understanding of what to look for when shopping.

3. Prepare a checklist

Once you've determined the priority of your organization's needs, you'll need to translate them into a list of features that you'll need in your employee engagement software. This is a critical step that many people overlook.

When you don't know what to look for, it's simple to mistake a feature for a solution to your problem. You may have prioritized your needs, but to avoid confusion, you need also translate them into features to check for before going software shopping.

Using the previous example, you may have picked low employee morale as your #1 concern. It may appear that software with perks and bonuses would be beneficial in this situation.

4. Set an appropriate budget

Before you start looking for suitable software, make your budget a priority. Knowing your financial limit ahead of time will help you focus your search. It also saves time and effort.

Although it may seem paradoxical, limiting your search pool can often help you uncover more acceptable solutions faster. To avoid any unnecessary confusion, be sure the budget has been authorized by top management.

5. Consider all available options

You can start weighing your options now that you know what you require and what to search for. Examine the features available and the provider's claims about what they can achieve for you when comparing software.

After that, see what other people have to say about the product. Check out online reviews and ask your friends and family for recommendations. And, more significantly, seek practical counsel from others in your community.

These services are more likely to be used by your peers, or at least to be familiar with them. They can provide a practical assessment of their utility, strengths, and weaknesses. Look for software that has the tools you need to achieve your objectives.

6. Make your pick

Reduce your alternatives to the top four to five and compare them. Your pick should be the one that stands out. Ask if you can receive a sample or demo of the program to assess how it works with your company's requirements.

You may see how the software works and how your team reacts to it by scheduling a demo or trial. You can place an order after you're happy with its performance. If you don't like something on your final list, you can look at the other options.

Obtain demos and trials for all the alternatives in your final if at all possible. You can better appraise them if you watch them work in real time. You can also solicit feedback from your staff, as they will be the ones using the software.


Human capital is the most significant asset in your firm. Employee engagement should focus on the individual well-being and development of your staff.

Keep your team's well-being in mind while you choose appropriate software for your company. Success for the company will follow.

Make your employees feel valued and heard.

Give them the tools they need to succeed and watch your firm thrive as a result of their efforts. EPAM has one of those tools, it's TelescopeAI.

Telescope AI is a digital transformation management platform that integrates data from existing systems of record and provides AI-driven insights to help organizations proactively navigate their digital transformation and manage their people, projects, and overall productivity.


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